The school’s biggest concern was locating a display provider that could provide an LED display to fit within the same opening plus removal and installation.
Unfortunately, the church lost their sign deposit to another sign company that did not deliver. We listened and provided a no pressure solution that made them happy.
The airport needed a display friendly software solution for information first, but also got the versatility to communicate emergency messages as well. A win-win-win solution all around.
Our experience with providing and integrating LED display hardware with Jacksonville Int’l Airport’s existing content management platform solidified our ability to meet their needs.
Their biggest challenge was finding a company that was able to educate and support them through the initial project review and provide a turnkey solution.
The Expo had an old dilapidated sign that served very little functionality in the way event communication for the facility. They were seeking a major upgrade.
After years of being the only animal hospital, new construction & competition moving in forced Central Texas Animal Hospital to upgrade their communication.